You Are About To Discover The Principles Of Financial Intelligence And Business Development From A Biblical Perspective. Financial Ignorance Is One Of The Biggest Problems In The World Today. In Fact Most Financial Problems Come From The Problem Of Financial Ignorance. Become Enlightened...
Ignorance Is Not Bliss! Ignorance Is Poverty, Devastation And Heartache. This Training Portal Is Designed To Help You Step Out Of The Darkness And Into The  Light Of Financial Intelligence And Business Development Through Biblical Principles.
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Gain The Knowledge That Will Enlighten You Financially And Empower You In Business. 

The Truth Is, You Are One Idea Away From Your First Fortune (Or Your Next Fortune). 

The sooner you find that 1 idea, the sooner your life becomes more of a dream and less of a nightmare! You may be wondering, where you will find that one idea. The truth is I don't know. But what do know, is that until you find it, you must look everywhere!

The difference between where you are and where you would like to be is exactly the same as the difference between what you know and what you haven't learned and implemented yet! Learn what you don't know, so you can live like you've never lived!
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!
The VMC Is An Educational Platform
You are going to get a very different kind of education in the Virtual Millionaire Club. You will learn financial intelligence and business development from a Biblical perspective. The lessons are unlike anything you've experienced in the past!
We Will Pay You For Referring Members!
This membership site is not a "business opportunity" with an education attached to make it legitimate. This membership is an educational platform with the potential to earn a referral commission so that members will share this valuable education with the people they care the most about. 
Membership Has It's Privileges!
Membership in the VMC gives you the ability to learn from a best selling author and business coach who has helped businesess grow to six, seven and even eight figures. You cannot do what you do not know, and you cannot know what you have not learned!

Lorrinda Carolina

I am so excited! This truly is what I have been searching and waiting for. As a
Christian business woman, how I make money is just as important as making it
at all. Myron has mastered wealth building and for the past two years, whenever
he spoke, I listened! Almost my entire mindset on what the Bible says about 
business and how wealth is generated has flipped.
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